How to avail support with daily life under NDIS

One of the budgets within the Core supports area is for assistance with daily living. It includes assistance with daily personal tasks that let you lead the most independent life possible at home and in the community.

This could be living in your own house, living alone, or living in a shared residence like assisted independent living.

The following support categories may be available to you under your NDIS Plan's Assistance with Daily Life section:

  • Assistance with daily personal activities

  • Assistance with household tasks

  • Assistance in shared living arrangements

  • Supported Independent Living (SIL)

  • Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (or respite)

Support may be provided at home or in the community.

What is NDIS Core Support?

For individuals with disabilities, their families, and cares, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be complicated, but it can offer you and your loved ones the support you need.

With Core Supports, you may manage your present requirements linked to your impairment, do everyday chores, and make progress towards your goals. You can apply your NDIS core support cash to any of the four support categories. Sometimes it can be hard to come up with a flexible financing plan for transportation and consumables.

Eligibility for NDIS funding for daily life assistance

You are qualified for this kind of help if your Core Support budget includes funding for "Assistance with Daily Life." To find out if you currently have financing, look for "Assistance with Daily Life" in your plan or "Daily Activities" in your my place portal. If this funding is already included in your plan, a good plan manager, like Disability Plan Services, will be able to inform you if you qualify for it and how much you've received.

Types of assistance provided by NDIS

Some specific examples of things you might be able to use Assistance with Daily Life funding for include:

  • Help with getting ready for your day (self care such as showering, dressing etc.)

  • High intensity self care activities

  • Overnight sleepover support or assistance from a live-in carer

  • Support to help you get out and about in the community including driving you to places or accompanying you on public transport

  • Help to do household chores such as cleaning or linen service if you are unable to manage your own laundry[1]

  • Getting help around the yard such as basic yard work lawn mowing or gardening

  • Someone to assist with food preparation and meals, or the costs associated with meal delivery

  • Support with health and fitness

  • Assistance getting to appointments.

In what ways might a support coordinator help you maximise this grant?

Support coordinators might know the ideal people to put you in touch with based on their network. Disability Plan Services has a group of knowledgeable NDIS support coordinators that will assist you in gaining the knowledge and abilities necessary to comprehend, carry out, and utilise your plan. Having worked in the NDIS and disability fields for more than a decade, our team has developed a wide network of reliable providers in South-east Queensland that can help you achieve your goals. This implies that we can help you make the connections and build the relationships necessary to get the support you need for your daily responsibilities from pertinent service providers. Whether you need a gardener's services

What’s not covered?
  • The cost of food or ready made meals (including delivered meals – the NDIS will only cover the cost of preparation and delivery)

  • The cost of household items such as cleaning supplies

  • Personal items not related to your disability such as toiletries and cosmetics

  • Rent, board or mortgage payments

  • Tickets for events, concerts, movies etc.

The discussed above are the main basic things offered by NDIS. Apart from the mentioned they also provide short term accommodation according to the preferences of each individual. So avail NDIS support and make your life easier.


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