If you are someone who already owns a home, you would probably know about refinance. So basically, refinancing means replacing an existing loan with a new one but with different terms, for example, with better interest rates and lower monthly payments that will suit your current situation better. Therefore, refinancing your home loan will improve your financial situation and help you achieve your goals faster. By comparing the offers in different terms and analysing the benefits of each one, you can choose an aligned one that will benefit your needs. A home is not just a place to live; it is also an asset for the future. So refinancing your home is the only way to unlock its full potential. In this blog we are going to discuss, why, when and how to refinance! WHY ONE SHOULD REFINANCE HOME LOANS? Lower interest rates: In the housing finance market the interest rates can vary. If you have secured the mortgage initially when the mortgage was higher, refinanced the mortgage will be able t...